Here we go again...Warm weather for next weekend...WINDSURF

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Here we go again...Warm weather for next weekend...WINDSURF

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Keep windsufing/kiteboarding until the FAT lake freezes over!

Enjoy the soft water while you can because once, it's winter, well then you can do three long months of Winter stuff!

If it's warm out and there's liquid water fairly nearby (within 187 miles driving distance) then go with the windsurfer or (kiteboard) and GOOD Dry suit.

I wait until after Jan. 1st as a safe rule of thumb. I DO have iceboats (two DNs),, no,,I'm not selling them, because I drove to Columbus, Ohio for one of 'em and

to some town near Milwaukee for the other one. And yes, when conditons are right and SAFE,,,they are the funist type of wind sport activity.

But if there is open water somewhere...I say...Go for it!

Eric (Quetzalcoatl) out.
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