A Blasting 11 mph Nortdh wind for Clear Lake, IA on Sunday...

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A Blasting 11 mph Nortdh wind for Clear Lake, IA on Sunday...

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

OH MY GOSH!!!! Wind will be Nuking around 11 mph (nOrth WinD) on Sunday..... in Clear Lake, IA,,, 12 mph in Worthington.

This is perhaps worth rigging the Biggely Sail (11 meter) and Formula board?

Well, It is oficially still Summer. So, maybe it's worth it. OR wait till NOVEMBER?

11mph is doable with the right stuff.

This is Quetzalcoatl and I will never give up!

Windsurfing on the Rise because it is hard! (yes, it is a challenging and tough sport).

Eric out.
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