Sunday sesh: Fin slipped of board and sank, scraped board on cement ramp. found a cut in neck gasket ......

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Sunday sesh: Fin slipped of board and sank, scraped board on cement ramp. found a cut in neck gasket ......

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Wonderful windy Sunday,,,but three unfortunate slight bumps in my day.

One: as I picked up speed I struck a rock which knocked my fin out of the fin box. The Fin sank. But, I recovered the fin screw!

So, I pocketed my fin screw and hurried out of the water (to get another fin) with rig and board, and then oops, (#2) scraped board on cement ramp.

Later at home, I figured out why I got some freezing drops of water in my neck while sailing, a one mm. tear in neck gasket. (#3).

Well, I suffered three slight events of equipment damage. Nothin I can't fix. I got other fins...the scrap on board is only cosmetic and

I can use 80 pounds strength fishing line to sew up that tear in neck gasket plus duc tap over the sutures.

Quetzalcoatl out.
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