Winds blow "pretty good in Southern Minnesota these three days....

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Winds blow "pretty good in Southern Minnesota these three days....

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

ye-HAAAAHH!!!! Thar be good winds this Week.....for all ye sailors who are off duty doing weekdays.

Good Southern wind for one day at Lake Cannon today, But Mankato Lakes are having 20 something wind (with gusts in 30's) for three days (Tues-Thurs) in a row! So, get out there and ride!!!! I don't understand it but Mankato is Magical for wind most of the time, when others lakes don't have it.

I have to always work during weekdays thus I'm just a Weekend Rider.

Pete: please present a report on How Lake Cannon was today....and who else was there and what did you ride today and then, I MAY just find a 370 cm mast in my Bodega.

Oh, one more question Pete, you said you acquired a new edition to your personal fleet ( an 87 liter board).... what kind is it?

Quetzalcoatl on the Rise! (and as Dave Nunn said (when he won the "best Watersports Businessman award in Florida, January 2020, "Windsurfing is here to Stay!" Dave recently sold his business (just this summer).
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