Big Blow-OUT this memorial day Weekend for Wind sports...

Stay connected in the wind. This forum is for anyone who rides the wind, winter or summer, on whatever board suits their fancy. Share the stoke, find out where people are going, ask any question, share your discoveries, and discuss any esoteric idea you may have related to the pursuit of wind. Please keep it positive.

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Big Blow-OUT this memorial day Weekend for Wind sports...

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

This is going to be an AMAZING WEEKEND for Big Air and little gear!!!!!
Sat, Sun and Monday,,,,there're be Mega-Wind all three days, in Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa!!!
25 to 28 base steady wind from the South. And Gusts even HIGER!!!

This is it! This is the Real Deal!!!!! What a Great Memorial Day Weekend!!!! and Lakawa Rules,,,(far out performs any facebook correspondence, and remember "facebook" is an obsolete name,,it's now called "META."

Windsports and Lakawa on the rise!!!

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