Here's a "sweet" little story, not much wind but sweet!!!!

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Here's a "sweet" little story, not much wind but sweet!!!!

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Late Saturday afternoon...(Lake City, MN) at Rochen Park, I was rigging my 10.8 meter Loft sail and Bic Techno Formula board. (I was just hoping that 10 mph wind would just hold).

A pleasant and lovely lady was looking for something in the grass, in lot..looking almost under my car....then back to the grass. I was

all ready to sail but...I asked her,,"Did you lose something like a key or something?" She replied, "yes, the house key, (it's my husband's) and it's his only one."

I decided I could afford some sail time by helping. I moved my windsurf board,,,Moved my Jumbo sail out of the way. As she stayed on the grass looking I went back to the

paved area where she was looking next to my car and there!..beaming in the sunlight was a key! I yelled from a far.."I found it!" I felt so smart and chivalrous! she came running

towards me and said,,"Oh, you are a God-send!" and then she hugged me! In my own mind I said I know! and I also thought Maybe this will cause the wind to increase for my good deed.

I told her that in this way, I was able to do my "good deed" for the day!

Well, I got on the water and it was a slchlogg fest. No planning at all. wind was down to around 5 mph at best.

Oh well, I didn't get to plane but I did earn a Hug!

"Tis the life of one windsurfer.

Eric (Quetzalcoatl) out.
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