How was it in your neck of the woods?

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How was it in your neck of the woods?

Post by BSMITH »

Mille Lacs (Izaytys) was glorious. It was 4.0ish 3.5ish in the gusts and 3.0ish when a squall went through later in the day. The swell was HUGE out near the middle of the lake. Big smooth green busses. I think I had my longest wave ride since I was in Maui 5 years ago!
Just Eric S, Jerry, Randy, Ryan, Steve T, Mike, and Eric. Mr. Spottke put in an 8 hour shift today, ripping the swell the whole time. It's amazing how you can feed off another humans energy. I just could not get dialed in today until Eric came over from Father Henn. Then I had one of the best sessions of the year.
Thanks Eric!
Eric S
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Post by Eric S »

Thank YOU Brian (and Jerry and Eric and Ryan and Steve and Randy and Mike and...)

It was so fun sailing with everyone today. I came home, had another Zone energy bar and passed out. I just woke up.

When that squall came through and we were WAY out there I had to dail it up to a level not reached before. I was so wildly overpowered and the swells were so huge, breaking and shearing off I thought I might not make it back to shore. It was the most intense, focused ride I've ever had... just making it back ... one reach.

Luckily Brian was out infront of me, like a beacon. I just followed the best I could. When I got back to shore a stream of explitives (positive uses) for what I just experienced. I think I was basically in shock but Brian and Eric were just laughing at what we went through. Eric said he got stuck in the rain near shore and basically waited it out semi submerged. I didn't even notice that I couldn't see the shore.


Brian said he had a good wave ride. He had many that I witnessed, some of wich he only had one hand on the boom surfing down a huge glassy wave forever. what the f@!

I've already said it. I'm still shell shocked from the whole thing. I'm dumbfounded by how insane that was. I can't time anymoe. sleep again.
Mike W
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Post by Mike W »

Wow! Glad you guys hit it right. I have yet to sail there on a day like that. We were pretty wound on 4.7's at Mahtomedi beach on WBL. Some nice terrain was shared by 7-8 of us. Great day!
Eric S
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Post by Eric S »

did anyone get to green lake? It looks like it was nutty out there:

24 19:35 W 20 G 33 10.00 Overcast BKN055 OVC080 54 34 29.95 NA
24 19:15 W 23 G 29 10.00 Overcast and Breezy SCT055 OVC070 54 32 29.94 NA
24 18:55 W 17 G 23 10.00 Overcast SCT060 OVC070 54 32 29.94 NA
24 18:35 W 21 G 30 10.00 Overcast and Breezy SCT060 OVC080 54 32 29.93 NA
24 18:15 W 26 G 35 10.00 Overcast and Windy SCT065 OVC080 55 32 29.93 NA
24 17:55 W 24 G 35 10.00 Overcast and Breezy OVC080 55 32 29.93 NA
24 17:35 W 24 G 36 10.00 Overcast and Breezy OVC070 55 32 29.92 NA
24 17:15 W 24 G 36 10.00 Overcast and Breezy SCT055 OVC070 55 32 29.91 NA
24 16:55 W 25 G 37 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy SCT065 BKN070 55 34 29.91 NA
24 16:35 W 23 G 36 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy BKN065 57 34 29.90 NA
24 16:15 W 30 G 39 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Windy BKN065 57 32 29.89 NA
24 15:55 W 30 G 41 10.00 Overcast and Windy OVC055 59 34 29.89 NA
24 15:35 W 23 G 36 10.00 Overcast and Breezy OVC055 57 32 29.89 NA
24 15:15 W 26 G 36 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Windy BKN055 57 32 29.89 NA
24 14:55 W 31 G 41 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Windy BKN055 57 32 29.89 NA
24 14:35 NW 24 G 35 10.00 Overcast and Breezy OVC065 57 32 29.88 NA
24 14:15 NW 18 G 37 10.00 Overcast BKN065 OVC070 57 32 29.88 NA
24 13:55 W 26 G 37 10.00 Overcast and Windy OVC065 55 32 29.88 NA
24 13:35 NW 25 G 39 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Breezy BKN050 BKN065 57 34 29.87 NA
24 13:15 W 26 G 38 10.00 Mostly Cloudy and Windy BKN050 57 34 29.87 NA
24 12:55 W 25 G 38 10.00 Partly Cloudy and Breezy SCT050 57 34 29.86 NA
24 12:35 NW 25 G 36 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 57 32 29.86 NA
24 12:15 W 25 G 35 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 57 32 29.87 NA
24 11:55 W 30 G 40 10.00 Fair and Windy CLR 55 32 29.86 NA
24 11:35 W 25 G 37 10.00 Partly Cloudy and Breezy SCT043 55 34 29.87 NA
24 11:15 W 24 G 35 10.00 Partly Cloudy and Breezy SCT043 55 34 29.86 NA
24 10:55 W 30 G 40 10.00 Partly Cloudy and Windy SCT043 54 34 29.86 NA
24 10:35 W 31 G 41 10.00 Fair and Windy CLR 54 34 29.85 NA
24 10:15 W 32 G 40 10.00 Fair and Windy CLR 54 34 29.85 NA
24 09:55 W 30 G 41 10.00 Fair and Windy CLR 54 36 29.84 NA
24 09:35 W 26 G 33 10.00 Fair and Windy CLR 54 36 29.84 NA
24 09:15 W 21 G 28 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 52 36 29.84 NA
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Post by Tighe »

Classic day at Waconia. Full Parking lot, trees roaring overhead, the lake was brighter than the sky as it glimmered like liquid mercury. The swells set up pretty sweet for thrashing, as well as ramps in both directions. Many smiling faces. A few weeds.

After about 3 hours of windsurfing I thought I'd try kiting. Matt Z had gone out an was pretty much in survival mode the whole time. My session was extremely powered as well. On my first run out, I spaced I was on a kite, and a nice juicy swell appeared upwind in front of me. So just like I had been doing all morning, I cut upwind and sprung. Well for those of you who don' t kite, this move tensions the lines and creates mega lift...on a normal day. Yesterday, being so wound up in the first place, it boosted me a lot higher than I intented...without even moving the kite. A fun experience, though I would definately prefer to be on a lower aspect ratio kite in those winds.

The feeling of full body fatique runs with my blood this morning
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Post by Chris »

“Our" half of the parking lot at Waconia was full. It was 4.5 - 5.0 until 3:00. Then it was 4.0 for about an hour. Then up and down. It was really puffy and the chop was disorganized.

I was on a 4.2 all day. The same rig (on the same lake) as last Wednesday -- but what a difference. Yesterday was more challenging (at least for me) because of the chop, the puffy wind, and the colder temps.

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Post by Tighe »

Were you really on a 4.5-5.0 till three? WOW. I was on a 4.0 most of that time. The wind reminded me of Cannon the week before. Solid nukin' then a hole, then back with a vengence. The holes never seemed to last that long. Seems to be the personality of the wind this fall for some reason.
Mike W
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Post by Mike W »

Tighe, what kite were you on? Last week when it was blowing I tried an Airush Lift 8.8, which is pretty low aspect. I was impressed with how tame the kite was in strong, gusty winds. I bought the kite for stability on snow, but nice to know it is available for water when conditions permit.
pat taylor
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Post by pat taylor »

The ususal suspects showed up at the Bear. I sailed my 4.5 all day. Was powered most of the time, and sometimes overpowered. I can not remember the last time I have sailed a 4.5 two weeks in a row in Minnesota. It looks like we can plan on sailing small sails on Wednesday for the rest of the year.
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Post by johntr »

I was on 5.0 at Bellaire, along with about a dozen better sailors. I couldn't keep my big boards on the water. Very tough day. Sigh.

For those who were there, how big were the winds from about 2-5? Be nice to know just which winds I have to stay away from -- for now.

A couple of times I got everything dialed in, in both straps, the board flat and ripping -- and a gust came. I could see the gust come and know I was in trouble, but couldn't find anything to do about it. The wind was so strong (and my fin so big!) I could get the board to round up, so usually I just got tossed downwind. Any advice? (Yeah, I know, get a smaller board.)

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Post by Tighe »

I was on the 9 Fuel. I prefer the GTOs in big winds. They sit back in the window a bit more, are great for swell riding, cause you can sail right at them and they just move with you. The higher aspects tend to surge a bit in gusty winds.
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Post by Tighe »

I couldn't quite get your question. You could or couldn't get the board to round up?

In powered conditions, most of the steering is done with the rear foot, through the fin/ as well as very subtle weight shifts along the axis of the board. It's tough though as you get closer and closer to the tightest reach you can make to the wind, cause your sail can start to get backwinded.

Have you tried a smaller fin. A small quiver of fins can really extend the range of a board?

I have no idea if I've answered your question or helped out at all, just took a stab.
anne of willmar
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Post by anne of willmar »

green lake 1130 am 2.5 sail, overpowered, the only human on the lake, air temp 56 degrees, hanging on for dear life at first then having a good time...launched at a neighbor's cabin very s.e. shore, then sailed up to indian beach area and stayed there a few hours, had to be to work at 5 sick of sailing alone, come to green lake you guys, lots of about frisday......???anne
anne of willmar
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Post by anne of willmar »

spent 16 days at the gorge in september, must say wed at green lake was equally as challenging, or perhaps more so....being alone heightens the experience...
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Post by johntr »


Sorry: *could not* round up because there was too much power. I had the sail hauled way back, and was driving on the fin as hard as I could, and the board just took me downwind.

Your question about fins is a good one. I was on my smallest fin ... but that's 58 cm :-). Has anyone else sailed wide boards in winds like yesterday? What's your experinece on fin size. (The Go 165 I was on is 165 liters and 90 cm.)

Bill S.
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Post by Bill S. »

"It's amazing how you can feed off another human's energy." Bri, you are so right. I arrived at Byllesby yesterday feeling stoked for the session but drained by a busy week of work and family duties, and a couple of nights of sketchy sleep. I am grateful to Sid, Greg, Doug, John, Dave, Steve and Curtis for generously sharing their energy and s--t eatin' grins with me both on and off the water. Thanks, guys. Good times on the big rollers on the little lake.
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Spirit Report

Post by cp2616 »

A bit gnarly on Spirit for kiting yesterday, but we got in an hour after 6:00 pm anyway. First time it was a bit gusty for the 11 GTO. I think we got a reading at Jackson calling it 8G26! But water time is still water time and good fun.

Out from Iowa,

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Post by Coach »


You were probably driving hard off the wind, and couldn't get it to turn upwind, when the gusts hit because you had the mast foot to far forward.

Normally, if the foot is in the correct position you'll either get tail-walked or drive off the wind intentionally in the gusts, but the board shouldn't force you there. A large board would do that, because the track is usually set more forward to accomodate bigger sails.

PJ had the opposite problem on his Hypersonic. I took it out and the damn thing wouldn't go downwind and kept wanting to throw over the bars. He said he's been having troulbe riding that board. I moved the foot forward for him, and he said it felt like a whole different board - fast, fun and sailable, too. :-)

Mast foot position is critical, boom height needs to coordinate with that, and then you've got to dial your harness lines in comfortably.

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Post by johntr »


Yeah, I was getting tail-walked early, so I moved the mast foot way forward. Maybe that was the problem. Stopped the tail-walking, but then I couldn't deal with the speed in the gusts. The board would just take-off downwind so fast I was freaking out.

How big do you think the wind was?

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Post by Coach »

I called one of the airport monitors around 5, and it was 17 to 26 knots (21 to 31mph). I'm guessing it was at least 20 to 30 knots an hour or two earlier than that, maybe even windier around 1pm. I didn't get to the beach until 3.

Now that you know what tail-walking and getting dragged off the wind feel like, and you know what to change, you should be all set! :-)

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