Sunday, Closing the gap in the gust on a 7.5 M. at Clear Lake, Pete was that you on Ezzy 6.3?

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Sunday, Closing the gap in the gust on a 7.5 M. at Clear Lake, Pete was that you on Ezzy 6.3?

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Sunday, June 11th, cooler weather, Winds 17 t0 25 out of N-NW. I launched from the Lekwa Marsh Access. Whitecaps coming straight into the narrow
ramp access. I had to do short tacks (in the narrow channel) to get out into open water.
When I arrived, I saw one windsurfer, Three kiters and one Wingsurfer, (maybe that was Clear Lake local Marty?)

Since the windsurfer on the 6.3 meter (around 2:30 in the afternoon) had some Schlogging moments and Good gust moments, I decided to rig 7.5 Ezzy.

This worked out "pretty good" with Tabou Rocket 125 liter. I was planning and closing the gap the whole time, (As long I stayed in the "Line of Wind").

Ya know, this was the only place withing 200 miles with wind. So, It WAS a good afternoon!

Again, Pete was that you?

Quetzalcoatl out.
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