The best windsurf sesh of 2023!!! in Iowa..on 5/29/23

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The best windsurf sesh of 2023!!! in Iowa..on 5/29/23

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Wow!! Air temp in mid 50's wind 15 gustying to 22 mph out of the north. I wore my drysuit and that felt just fine.
This is latest in the Spring that I've worn it. I rigged an Ezzy 8 meter freeride sail (to avoid a lull moment) and rode Tabou 125 liter Rocket. I say this was my best session of season 2023 because so far it's the first time out this year! I was planning 95 percent of the time.
Don't miss the Windsports Swap on Sunday, May 21, 2023 from 8:00 to 11:00 in the morning. Located
Across the street of Thompson parking lot/south beach of Lake Calhoun. address is 3750 west Calhoun BLVD.
Windsurfing on the Rise!
Quetzalcoatl out.
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