Blasting wind for Sunday and Monday, 28mph with gust up to 50mph!!!

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Blasting wind for Sunday and Monday, 28mph with gust up to 50mph!!!

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Criky: or Kriky! Spring Gail force winds for the Sunday and Monday! Waseca, 26 MPH NNW winds on Sunday.

Clear Lake, IA 28mph NW winds (that's just the base wind) but gusts maybe overkill at above 50 mph!

Maybe Waseca would be the better choice for the windsurf opener. ( I don't care to start out my first day of the season with 50 mph wind).
26-28 mph is just about right.
Monday, both places pretty good in the upper 20's mph.

Quetzalcoal out. PS: Windsurfing on the rise! Ya know people talk about the good ole days with tons of sailors and windsurf shops.

But Ya know, Windsurfing gear is SO MUCH better now than in the "Good old days."
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