Quetzalcoatl has something to say.........

Stay connected in the wind. This forum is for anyone who rides the wind, winter or summer, on whatever board suits their fancy. Share the stoke, find out where people are going, ask any question, share your discoveries, and discuss any esoteric idea you may have related to the pursuit of wind. Please keep it positive.

Moderator: MK

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Posts: 770
Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:26 am

Quetzalcoatl has something to say.........

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Wind people: As 2022 comes to a close, some final thoughts float through my cerebral hemispheres. (I have two of them and so do you).
Well, basically I just want to say....if you sell (really cheap) or give away good windsport gear to friends or "newbies
you ought to feel really good about it!
The fact that there are almost no windsport shops around anymore (except for LAKAWA Boardshop in White Bear And SxS in Mankato) it's gets harder and harder to get gear.
So, it's nice when we can spread the gear around.
It was always so nice to physically touch equipment in a shop and try stuff on (like wetsuits, drysuits) roll out a sail, examine a board as opposed
to just ordering on line....which is a digital modern version of when people used to out on the ranches and farms would order equipment from a Sears and Robucks catalog and then wait for it in the mail. Anyway, it's nice to spread windsport stuff around.
Last summer, out on Madison Lake a a guy smashed up the nose of his Techno 152 liter carbon (grey color) board. I told him that I've got an extra
Techno 152 plastic board that I'd sell him for 100 bucks. He said sure!
But two weeks later I saw him at Eagle Lake and his grey Techno was all fixed! (Like new!). I said do you still want my techno board? He said, yes.
So I sold it to him. I think he didn't really need mine, but he said a friend was going to be visiting from New York and he'd like to have the extra board.

Anyway, I kinda don't like to part with my boards if I don't need to. But well, that guy will put it to good use. So, it's worth it.

Well that's enough now?

Happy New Year and may we be gifted mucho viento!

Quetzalcoatl out.
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