Quetzalcoatl just back from SPI and reports: 30mph wind on

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Quetzalcoatl just back from SPI and reports: 30mph wind on

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Arrived on Mon. Dec. 20, 86 degrees air temp. South wind blowin In 20's. I just wnt to bed..after long trip (by air).
Tues. Colder out and Steady North wind at 30 mph all day long! Air temp in the 50's. stayed on the 85 liter AHD "Swiss" board all day and used 4.5 and 4.2 Ezzy wave sails.
Wens. Just blowin around 17 mph. Thurs. steady rain and steady wind! I went for it! Even though wind was at 18 mph steady..still great!
Friday nothin....
Sat.,,and Sun. wind gave me a schlogg fest all day.

Well, maybe Des Moines Windsurfing tomorrow on X-mas day! Gonna 58 degrees and wind from the South at 11 mph. Maybe I'll wear a shorty!!

Quetzalcoatl out.
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