Are You scared by Scattered Thundererstorms?

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Are You scared by Scattered Thundererstorms?

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Are you Scared (or could become scarred) by "Scattered Thunderstorms?"......I used to be.

For the upcoming weekend looks like there're be "some" wind but with "Scattered Thunderstorms."

Don't let this forecast scare you away from the lake. Just go for it! Yes, you must keep looking up off int the horizen to keep a "look-out" for lighting.

There will be periods of storm free sky (then jump on your board) and sail awhile. When you see a storm aproaching get off the water...and sit out the storm in your car.

When the storm passes...get back on the water.

Life is not perfect nor is the weather. So,,just be aware and don't be scared or scarred by lighting!

Quetzalcoatl out and I approved this message!
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