Snow In Omaha

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Matt V
Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:49 am
Location: My Van

Snow In Omaha

Post by Matt V »

I hate to say it, but nan-nan-na-nan-na, we got the perfect snow here in Omaha, NE! Wait, I love to say it - Doi!!!

4+ inches are on the ground now and a little more to come later tonight. The temp was perfect. It started snowing at about 34 degrees and slowly dropped leaving a great sticky base but the top was somewhat powdery. After getting done kiting on some soccer fields around 6:00 pm tonight, the snow was cold enough to not make a snowball. Tomorrow will hit 32degrees locking the snow in place.

The soybean fields with terrain are looking epic for Monday with 15mph dead north forecast. If we get another 6 inches of powder to blow into the terraces, I will not be coming to Minnesota.

Not that you all will miss me, and, wish you were all here,

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