The power of belief

Stay connected in the wind. This forum is for anyone who rides the wind, winter or summer, on whatever board suits their fancy. Share the stoke, find out where people are going, ask any question, share your discoveries, and discuss any esoteric idea you may have related to the pursuit of wind. Please keep it positive.

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The power of belief

Post by Tighe »

Like many of you, I got up early yesterday and continued the scanning of the forecasts I had obsessed about the night before. There weren't clear isobars stacking up or a big Low slamming into High...or any of the tried and true indicators of wind in the models. I was purely going on the forecasts...someone's interpretation of the models. It looked slightly breezier to the west and less chance of rain, though nothing definitive. Mille can add to the forecasts...and well we love the decision was made....rendezvous at Malmo. I drove through some storms on the way up, but after last weeks experience, it didn't dent my belief that the day would provide. Got a text that it was blowing hard at Malmo....the foot got heavier. Arrived at the lake to see Dave T ripping amongst bright white morning caps. He was on a 14, lit, but it seemed to be coming down. Big kites were rigged and we had a good session till it died off. The groove on shore continued. The grill came out, there were great tunes and the gamut of lively discussions. The lake eventually completely glass off. Our devices were providing us wind reports from out west that we hoped were moving our way. We played a great game of ultimate...nice when you can play barefoot on super soft grass.
Slowly the western edge of the lake started getting very dark. Our devices provide radar images of a massive system developing. For some reason I didn't feel the day was over, I just had a feeling we were going to be back in the wind....crazy though when the water was glass. We decided to derig, head to Castaways for dinner and see what's on the backside of the system. While we ate the lights flickered, and there was considerable rumbling overhead. Then as we finished, out the window we could see the lake bright and glowing. We quickly paid our bills and headed back to the lake. OMG what a sight.

The lake was alive, the trees roaring, and that late afternoon sun was creating long shadows and igniting the white caps. WOW! The sky was blue overhead and to the north but the storm system still rumbled to the south. Thinking it's gotta come down I rigged a 12m. OOPS!
Something like the energy boost when you go from nothing to so much so soon. We were all on the water in no time. Once on the water it was magical. Heading out your path was defined by the sun streaming across the water. It was a bit blinding but also strangely comforting to be going toward the sun. There were a few clouds to the west that created a spectacular sunset with rays reaching skyward and crimson reds. Incredible...but nothing like the return path back to shore. The storm that had passed reached miles into the sky and was illuminated by the setting sun. Every return trip was different. There were double rainbows, rainbows that reached from end to end, there were massive billowing clouds, there were sections that fanned out like massive feathers across the sky, there were areas that looked like big tapioca pudding, and the colors were amazing. The wind was blowing easily 30-35mph. I was way overpowered on my 12m to the point where my kite was deforming and I know I've had it up over 30 before with no problems. Luckily, half way through the session I looked down and my spreader bar hook had broken off on one side...and I was out pretty far. I grabbed the chicken loop and rode in...feeling a wave of gratitude roll over me as I landed my kite. That could have been a completely different story to tell. Luckily Stroh had one l could borrow and I was back out there. What an amazing visual. Being out on the lake gave such an amazing view of the storm. Absolutely beautiful.

What a great day. Great to hang again with so many as we've done before and to meet and laugh with some new faces. The ultimate game was a great addition.

Over the last 30 years of riding the wind...there are quite a few days that I still remember where the belief that the day's sessions have not ended...ends up coming true.

As icing on the cake, we followed the storm into town and had the most amazing light show all the way down 169. Constant lightning igniting the sky sometimes covering 20-30 miles. There was a lot of activity that created visuals not unlike some of the Hubble telescopes images of far away galaxies The perspective the drive gave on this massive storm was a true gift. Far enough away that you could see it all, but close enough that you could see all the activity going on inside.

It's funny how the day started with the slight concern about making the "right" decision...when I truly know that there really isn't a wrong decision. Every path provides.

Thanks to all who shared their day.

...a few shots taken as the second session ended. The sun had long since fallen into the earth. The storm may look close but it was already 20-30 miles away. The last shot begins to show the size of the storm..find the itty bitty kiter
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Re: The power of belief

Post by Hendy »

Sunsets and Storms make for nice photographs.
once again you got some great shots.

Posts: 95
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:48 pm

Re: The power of belief

Post by Debbie »

Wow. Those are amazing photos.

Waconia was amazing also - not because of the wind, but because of the people who were there. No matter where you ride, it's the friends that surround you that make the day.
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Re: The power of belief

Post by Tighe »

the pictures don't even begin to capture it. The wind was fading as was the light. The pictures of that storm from the water as the sun set will be forever burned in my mind.

I agree Deb. Glad there was a great crew at Waconia. Sounds like a lot of people has great sessions yesterday.
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