Classic Mother Superior

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Classic Mother Superior

Post by Randy »

About as good as it gets. Visibility, right direction and building wind strength for perhaps my best day. Arrived a little after 11 to readings of 20-24. Rigged my 5M and stretched to get out past the break to some fully powered 5M. Within half an hour it clicked up to 4.5M on the outside and 5 on the inside. Power for the ramps was always there, but the 5m was simply too big to work the terrain. Took a break at 1pm, rigged down to my 4.5m and found plenty juice to get out to the building 4M conditions on the outside. Some of the wave faces were 10' and toward the bridge there were monster sets with plenty room for multiple turns. And then it was too much on the outside, with 3.5M spray gusts. I got rolled a couple times, had to swim and realized it was time to head back to 22nd st. It was just too good to quit, but too big to risk more time on the outside. Chip, as you have often said, this is when it's best to just play the inside, and oh my, was it sweet. Full on 4M on the inside! Juice to grab whatever you wanted.

Oh well, my wife says I always say, "this was the best day ever", my mother used to tell me, "there'll be days like this". Yes, it was 39 degrees all day, but the sun made it feel warm.

Driving home I got a call that Davin's wife, Jenny, is set to deliver our first granddaughter tomorrow, so I'll miss the big Cannon boom, but sending lots of energy for massive wind to all of you tomorrow.

Missed the typical Duluth posse, but hope to meet up with you next time.
Ride...just be it!
Bill S.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Bill S. »

Randy, the image of you shredding huge and glassy faces on the outside is enough for me today, thanks. As much as I love kiting, such sessions on the outside, on Superior or Michigan, are why I will never give up windsurfing. Glad you got some. Best wishes to your family.

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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by steveb »

Randy...god luck to Jenny and Da. Please let us know how things went with the arrival of Declans little sister.
Thinking of you all tomorrow. :lol:
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Chip »

Randy -

I was starting to think you guys forgot about the Mother? My motivation to get out there isn't as strong as it used to be, but by 6PM, I could resist no longer. I wasn't as brave as you and chose to sail just on the inside. You're right; it was really big, with waves to match. I had a great time, sailed till dark, didn't see another sole - not even a walker on the beach!

One of the things that made it extra spectacular was being surrounded by dark, cumulous clouds while to the West, there were clear skies. That combination made the lake feel like stage with just me on it. It was dark all around but there was the bright sunshine near sunset coming in under the clouds and setting the whitecaps on fire. Occasionally, a spectacular rainbow would be added – lit up so brilliantly against the dark clouds and dark south shore. All that, just for me; It felt pretty cool to have such an amazing show put on just for me.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Randy »

It'd be a sad day if we ever forgot about Mother. Chip, I loved your post and how you captured the magic of being solo on such a massive body of water. All afternoon, all I saw were a couple surfers. Very strange, but very peaceful.

Anyway, speaking of Mother and all that beautiful feminine power that seems to hold us together, I'd like to report that after a brief stint a Calhoun this morning, we went to Fairview Hospital in Edina and greeted our new grand daughter, Volly Greer Johnson, born 3:09pm, 7 lbs. 9 oz., coming into this world on one of Minnesota's most windy days ever. I speak of Mother, because my greatest joy came when my son announced her name in honor of my mother who left her body thirty years ago.

So when Mother Superior was boiling yesterday, and when Calhoun had Gorge-like moments, I knew something was afoot. Ancient wisdom uses wind and spirit interchangeably. Today was a great day of Spirit. Whether we sailed a lot, a little, or not at all, there's no doubt that our wind community felt a great surge of spirit with the trees bending and debris flying. I really didn't have an opportunity to speak with the crew at Calhoun, but could feel such tremendous sense of community spirit when the 40mph gusts came through.

Yesterday was a great day. Thanks Chip, for finishing it off so beautifully. Today was as good as good can get. And tomorrow, hopefully, we'll be filled with feminine leadership that carries the grand Spirit of Mother Superior.

Some of you who have daughters and granddaughters already may be wondering about my slowness to the awe and wonder of it. I know, because I've seen it on your faces. For me, I only had brothers, had two boys who've had three boys, so this is different for me. So here I am, sitting in Minneapolis at 10 o'clock, it's 75 degrees, and the wind's still gusting over 30. Damn, I love life and all it's surprises.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by steveb »

Awesome news Randy...please pass on our thoughts to Jenny and Da.

It's a good job you've always stayed flexible with it's your turn to be twisted around a little finger.....

With Jennys and Janes DNA in her you know she's got to be gorgeous,probably melting hearts already.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by BSMITH »

Congratulations Randy! We missed your energy at Cannon yesterday. I'm glad you got on the water!
...that reminds me of sneaking out on Mike's rig on my wedding day.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Geo »

Randy -
Congratulations / Congratulations / Consolations. 2 out of 3 is good.
I was reminded of going up to the Mother last June and it was 90º here (no wind) and 5.0 up there. Cloudy, cold, and as my hands grew ever more numb, I just didn't want to come in. (Just one more pass...see, I can still hold onto the boom...) Finally gave it up, and the radio said 39º in Superior. Hands were the size of Grapefruits for almost the whole ride back.
Just hard to accept that it might actually be that much colder up there, just like it was hard to accept that it was 97º here on Tuesday...2 days in a row.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Chip »

I think "Grampa Randy" has kind of a nice ring to it...
You guys were talking about temperatures, Wednesday was the biggest extreme I have ever witnessed around here. The Mother was determined to maintain control over here local weather and was doing a fine job! At 5:00PM, the south wind had penetrated all the way to the Superior airport. It was 91 degrees with a south wind gusting to 40. At Sky Harbor, 2 miles to the east on Park Point, it was 45 degrees and Northeast at 10. The warm wind did manage to make it Sky Harbor long enough to shoot the thermometer up into the 80s and then immediately retreated again. It was amazing to see and at the same time pretty heart breaking since I live a mile farther out into the NE wind.
Here’s a segment of Sky Harbor weather from Wednesday

Date Time Direction Temp
20 18:34 NE 8 Fair CLR 45 41 29.61 NA
20 18:14 N 12 Fair CLR 45 39 29.60 NA
20 17:54 NW 7 G 35 Fair CLR 72 43 29.59 NA
20 17:34 SW 28 G 36 Fair and Windy 88 43 29.57 NA
20 17:14 SW 31 G 43Fair and Windy CLR 86 45 29.58 NA
20 16:54 NE 9 Fair CLR 46 41 29.60 NA
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Chip »

sorry, I should have previewed that - it all got squished together.... anyway if went form 45 to 88 back to 45 in 1 hour.
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Re: Classic Mother Superior

Post by Bryce »

Wow I was just checking that out... that is pretty unbelievable.
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