A Challange: Quetzalcoatl (a Windsurfer) Would like to "Challange" windsurf Foiler or "Wing sailor"

Stay connected in the wind. This forum is for anyone who rides the wind, winter or summer, on whatever board suits their fancy. Share the stoke, find out where people are going, ask any question, share your discoveries, and discuss any esoteric idea you may have related to the pursuit of wind. Please keep it positive.

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A Challange: Quetzalcoatl (a Windsurfer) Would like to "Challange" windsurf Foiler or "Wing sailor"

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

I, (Quetzalcoatl) on a regular windsurf board would like to "drag Race" any Winsurf foiler or Wing sailor late this Spring 2022.

Kite boarders would fun to race too be we already know that Windsurfing is FASTER than kiteboarding. Or do YOU think otherwise?

Kite boarding is fast and may be even more Fun than windsurfing. But....it has been written and said windsurfing IS the fastest windsport

on liquid water. All bets are off when we're sailing on Ice. They may be all the same for speed....when sailing on ice. OH...but on Ice,

The iceboats are the fastest. You're basic DN (60 sq. ft. sail area) iceboat can go 60 mph and other classes of iceboats (like the different types of Skeeters or the Stern Steerers) can go 100 mph.

This is just some fun food for thought,,, but really I would like to take on any foiler or wing sailer.

Quetzalcoatl or KulKulcan out.
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