Quetzalcoatl has two important messages:

Stay connected in the wind. This forum is for anyone who rides the wind, winter or summer, on whatever board suits their fancy. Share the stoke, find out where people are going, ask any question, share your discoveries, and discuss any esoteric idea you may have related to the pursuit of wind. Please keep it positive.

Moderator: MK

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Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:26 am

Quetzalcoatl has two important messages:

Post by Quetzalcoatl »

Two important messages from Quetzalcoatl ("the Aztec God of Wind and Wisdom").

First: Today marks exactly two months since I last windsurfed here in the Midwest. 'Twas Dec. 18th when I last windsurfed on lake Pepin.

Wow two months without sailsurfing! I'm itching to get back out on the Water! Thus: as almost every year some day in March marks the opening for Windsurf season for me somewhere in THIS Tri-state area. Thats' coming soon! Next week some days in the 40's (to start the big melt down).

Second: have you all seen how few windsurf items are available on I-Windsurf? I mean like the Freeride boards have "Dwindled" down to Three!

Other categories have been greatly reduced as well. What is going On?

Guess I done good,,,, when I decided to become a Boarder Hoarder myself.

Quetzalcoatl out.
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